var pt;pt="
 Salah Begins   Adhan  Iqama 
 Fajr  4:45AM  5:20AM  5:30AM
 Sunrise  6:13AM
 Zawal  1:10PM - 1:15PM
 Zuhr  1:15PM  1:30PM  1:45PM
 Asr  6:11PM  6:35PM  6:45PM
 Maghrib   8:17PM  8:17PM  8:20PM
 Isha  9:35PM  9:35PM  9:45PM
 Jumah 1  1:15PM  1:30PM  1:45PM
 Jumah 2  1:15PM  2:45PM  2:45PM
 Jumah 3  1:15PM  3:30PM  3:30PM
From Tomorrow (Sun. Apr 28) Fajr is at 5:30AM, Asr is at 7:10PM, Isha is at 10:00PM (In Shaa Allah)
";var beginTime = new Array();beginTime[0] = "4:45AM";beginTime[1] = "6:13AM";beginTime[2] = "1:10PM - 1:15PM";beginTime[3] = "1:15PM";beginTime[4] = "6:11PM";beginTime[5] = "8:17PM";beginTime[6] = "9:35PM";beginTime[7] = "1:15PM";beginTime[8] = "1:15PM";var adhanTime = new Array();adhanTime[0] = "5:20AM";adhanTime[1] = " ";adhanTime[2] = " ";adhanTime[3] = "1:30PM";adhanTime[4] = "6:35PM";adhanTime[5] = "8:17PM";adhanTime[6] = "9:35PM";adhanTime[7] = "1:30PM";adhanTime[8] = "2:45PM";var iqamaTime = new Array();iqamaTime[0] = "5:30AM";iqamaTime[1] = " ";iqamaTime[2] = " ";iqamaTime[3] = "1:45PM";iqamaTime[4] = "6:45PM";iqamaTime[5] = "8:20PM";iqamaTime[6] = "9:45PM";iqamaTime[7] = "1:45PM";iqamaTime[8] = "2:45PM";var msg; msg = "From Tomorrow (Sun. Apr 28) Fajr is at 5:30AM, Asr is at 7:10PM, Isha is at 10:00PM";function writePrayerTimes() { document.write(pt);} function getMessage(){ document.write(msg); } function getBeginTime(salah) { switch (salah) { case "fajr": document.write(beginTime[0]); break; case "sunrise": document.write(beginTime[1]); break; case "zawal": document.write(beginTime[2]); break; case "zuhr": document.write(beginTime[3]); break; case "asr": document.write(beginTime[4]); break; case "sunset": document.write(beginTime[5]); break; case "isha": document.write(beginTime[6]); break; case "jumah": document.write(beginTime[7]); break; case "jumah2": document.write(beginTime[8]); break; default: document.write(""); } } function getAdhanTime(salah) { switch (salah) { case "fajr": document.write(adhanTime[0]); break; case "sunrise": document.write(adhanTime[1]); break; case "zawal": document.write(adhanTime[2]); break; case "zuhr": document.write(adhanTime[3]); break; case "asr": document.write(adhanTime[4]); break; case "sunset": document.write(adhanTime[5]); break; case "isha": document.write(adhanTime[6]); break; case "jumah": document.write(adhanTime[7]); break; case "jumah2": document.write(adhanTime[8]); break; default: document.write(""); } } function getIqamaTime(salah) { switch (salah) { case "fajr": document.write(iqamaTime[0]); break; case "sunrise": document.write(iqamaTime[1]); break; case "zawal": document.write(iqamaTime[2]); break; case "zuhr": document.write(iqamaTime[3]); break; case "asr": document.write(iqamaTime[4]); break; case "sunset": document.write(iqamaTime[5]); break; case "isha": document.write(iqamaTime[6]); break; case "jumah": document.write(iqamaTime[7]); break; case "jumah2": document.write(iqamaTime[8]); break; default: document.write(""); } } function writeDate() { Stamp = new Date(); year = Stamp.getYear(); month = Stamp.getMonth(); day = Stamp.getDate(); if (year < 2000) year = 1900 + year; var monthName = new Array('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'); document.write(monthName[month] + ' ' + day + ', ' + year); } if (window._gaq ) { _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-4478917-5']); _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'PrayerTimes', 'load', '6_1_Salah & Khutbah time subject to change']); } else { var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-4478917-5']); _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'PrayerTimes', 'load', '6_1_Salah & Khutbah time subject to change']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); }